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Assignment: Drive awareness for Tide+ launch at CVS through a program that feels personalized to the shopper and ownable to CVS.

Insight: From their laundry needs to their extracare rewards—every shopper wants recognition of their individuality. Now, with the New Tide+ collection at CVS, shoppers can get just that.

Solution: The ‘My CVS. My Tide’ program connected the unique laundry needs of our CVS shopper with a unique Tide+ solution. Through the use of sampling on cvs.com, we were able to educate the shopper on the benefit of each variant and provide an opportunity to choose the detergent most suitable for her lifestyle. A coupon that arrived with the sample encouraged the shopper to return to CVS for a full-size Tide+ purchase. Results were unprecedented with 167,000 samples depleted within hours and over 1 million households were reached.